Open Hearts, Empty Cages: Colette Goes Home
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Colette was found wandering around as a stray, pregnant and hungry, in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. While she was in good health when she was found, she was clearly familiar with being around people. Perhaps someone dumped her there thinking the area would be a refuge for her. Unfortunately, it was not. We took her in, cleaned her up a little, got her veterinary care, and set out to find her a new home.

When Alison came to our shelter space, she spent some time looking at all of our adoptable cats, but she kept coming back to Colette. In the end, Colette's beauty, extra friendly personality, and funny husky voice won her over.

Alison says, "She's the sweetest and most hilarious cat I've ever known, and I'm so glad to have her. She gives kisses and sleeps next to my head and purrs like a motor when I come home."

Alison also shared this story with us. "I went home to Texas for the holidays and brought her along with me. She was the perfect traveler. While at home, I had to have emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder, and I'm really glad I had her with me. She was a very nice companion while recovering. I've included a picture of her laying on me which she only did while I was feeling particularly bad. So sweet!"

Alison adds, "Thank you all for everything you do for these animals, and I am so grateful and thankful that you kept Colette for me until I could find her."